Thursday, March 3, 2011

Not much to report.

So these past few days I really don't have much to report on. Tuesday, as I have already told you, I was sick. Well, that continued into wednesday and thursday. Not so much fun...nope. Wednesday I went to a clinic (from what I hear it's the best clinic in Nairobi, mom, so don't worry)...I got blood drawn, peed in a cup, and gave them a stool sample ( I know you wanted to know...that's why I told you). After all that, all she did was give me a prescription for the stuff I already had, so I'm just sticking with that and making sure I completely finish the dosage this time. I am feeling better, so hopefully this ultimately kicks it in the but.

Today, Vickie and I will be teaching the kids creative arts at the Kawangware school. We just have three classes, so it shouldn't be too hard. Cynthia is going to see the president of Kenya, who will be visiting a university here in Nairobi. So she won't be there for the classes, but she's coming to the staff devotional at 3, and we'll all be there for that.

Like I said, not much to report, other than I love you all and really appreciate your prayers. Please continue praying for my health; physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Love love love you!


  1. Hey Sweetheart, We had Jen & Craig and Tod & Reilly over for dinner last night. We were talking about you. I was afraid we hadn't heard from you because you were still sick. This whole experience is going to make you stronger. I appreciate the details on the doctor visit! You do know me. We are praying all the time. Even in the illness, you are still learning. It's not how we thought you would be, but God can use any circumstance to teach us. We are getting snow today, which should make snowshoeing possible this weekend. Can we skype on Saturday. Dad is off. We love love love you too!!!! MOMMA & DADDY

  2. Sure we can skype! I'm pretty much free anytime after 7:30 a.m. your time, as long as the internet is working. If it's not I'll call you, but it should be.

  3. Hey Janee,
    We are happy to hear that you are doing better! Hopefully your prescription will get rid of whatever you have. Well we were at the 1st round of the CCH Playoffs (Hockey) at LSSU and that song that sings "AAAaaaaa OOOooooo, Gotta let go" Kyle and I both sing "AAaaaa Oooooo, Galileo!!" lol. We think of you whenever we hear that song, just to let you know :D Miss you!!!
