Well my friends, today we started at the school in Kibera. We were in charge of two PE classes and three creative arts classes so we got to the police station at 9:45 ish and then walked in to the school to get there at 10:05 ish :) (everything seems to be an "ish" in Africa, no matter where in Africa you are). Our first class was a PE class at 10:25 for 35 minutes. We taught them how to throw and catch a frisbee and then played monkey in the middle so they could use they new skillssss :)
And now I have to explain something. The school in Kibera has but one small "yard" on a rocky hill where they can have their recess. This "yard" is completely boxed in with the school on one side and the metal wall of the buildings next door. So, frisbee was interesting :). For real, it went fine. They just got carried away sometimes and would throw it over the wall to have to go in through a tiny hole in the wall to retrieve it. It was pretty comical (especially when my group lost all but one of theirs at the same time...ha). Anyways, we did the same thing for the other PE class and again it went swimmingly!
For the CA classes we taught them the song that goes "The name of the Lord is * * a strong tower...". I played the guitar and sang and wrote on the chalk board, Cynthia taught them the words and motions and sang, and Vickie taught a lesson to help relate the song to them. It was beautiful :)! The kids loved the motions and sang wonderfully! All three classes had fun.
The Chaplain at Kibera is Martin and he came around with us to the different classes to introduce us and then say everything we'd say during the lesson...again :). For reals, it was fine...he just would reword somethings for the kids. I honestly think they probably got at least the gist of it the first time, but we have to remember (and Vickie told us this later) that english is their second language and so they might not have the same meanings to some words that we do, or they don't understand a concept of other words, so it was interesting to see how he would change up a bit of what we said.
In between two of the lessons we had some down time. So, part of that we spent with the littler kids--beautiful and adorable! They taught us some of their games and mainly just held our hands :)--and the other part of it Vickie and I spent talking to Martin. We talked about the politics of Kenya and the world and, what I thought was more interesting, we talked about this movement to have women speak up about rape. It was really interesting to hear him talk about that. I honestly didn't even think that they would have a program like that. I don't know if I thought they didn't care that much, or didn't think of it as that important, or what...I was just really impressed by it.
After school, we just came home and relaxed (the walk out was flaming hot!). I actually got situated in my own room today. That was nice, because up until this point I was pretty much living out of a suitcase. At around 6:30 we went to eat at the Prestige, which is a mall, and we had dinner at their food court. That was different. It looked like your everyday food court in the US, but here one person from each restaurant would come up to you after you sat down, and handed you their menu. Then they would leave you alone so you could pick what you want from one of them, hold up that menu, and they would come over and take your order. So weird, but fun!
Well it is time for the night and sleep. I thank you all for your prayers and I ask that you would continue them.
I love you all so so dearly!
Well, Sweetie, you are getting going! I am sure the children loved your singing! The PE class would have been a challenge in normal conditions. Frisbees are not that easy to throw. I bet you enjoy having your own space. You can get some time alone that way. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! Love our girl MOM& DAD